Cowboy Jamboree 2017

Stillwater, OK

Cowboy Jamboree 2017 vs OSU Cowboy Jamboree 2015

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -348 678 1026
Overall Average +1:18.62 23:07.43 21:48.81
1st-10th Place +19.81 16:40.34 16:20.53
1st-25th Place +12.75 16:58.77 16:46.02
1st-50th Place +13.99 17:23.51 17:09.51
1st-100th Place +17.32 17:53.49 17:36.17
Common Athletes -- -- 50
Ran Faster 26 38 12
Ran Season Best 4 7 3
Average Time -57.19 20:37.98 21:35.17
Median Time -55.00 19:47.50 20:42.50
Middle 80% Times -1:11.94 20:08.66 21:20.59
Top 10% Times -48.30 17:11.24 17:59.54
Top 25% Times -1:08.54 17:36.24 18:44.78
Top 50% Times -1:09.05 18:13.98 19:23.03
Bottom 50% Times -45.33 23:01.98 23:47.30
Bottom 25% Times -25.95 25:19.93 25:45.88
Bottom 10% Times +51.90 27:59.30 27:07.40
Average Difference -57.19 -- --
Median Difference -1:18.80 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -1:11.77 -- --
Top 10% Difference -23.44 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:06.65 -- --
Top 25% Difference -52.37 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:06.65 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -47.72 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -1:03.38 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +25.74 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Blake Cope Piedmont High School -1:04.70 17:01.40 18:06.10
Clifford Littleton Shawnee High School -2:31.30 17:07.90 19:39.20
Elijah Ankrom Yukon High School +0.60 17:13.10 17:12.50
Braden Pohlmeier Randall -28.70 17:16.50 17:45.20
Grant Ledbetter Randall -2:48.00 17:17.30 20:05.30
Miguel Ingram Eisenhower High School -1:24.40 17:24.20 18:48.60
Aden Baughman Sand Springs High School -1:25.30 17:44.20 19:09.50
Christian Escritt Putnam City West High School -46.70 17:53.10 18:39.80
Hunter Garcia Union City High School -2:47.70 17:54.80 20:42.50
Ian Baustert Sand Springs High School -2:42.60 17:57.90 20:40.50
Sam Wilson Randall -56.90 17:59.00 18:55.90
Kaleb Tipton Eisenhower High School -2:18.80 18:00.70 20:19.50
Brice Koons Shawnee High School -28.20 18:01.00 18:29.20
Uzziah Urquiza Guymon High School +3.80 18:28.50 18:24.70
Moises Ortiz East Central High School -1:02.80 18:36.50 19:39.30
Jacob Cahall Shawnee High School -1:35.90 18:36.70 20:12.60
Greg Tiner Addison Trinity Christian -1:19.70 18:48.10 20:07.80
Landon Green Sand Springs High School -31.30 18:52.70 19:24.00
Philip Starr Enid High School -44.90 18:52.80 19:37.70
Kevin Ortega Western Heights High School -50.10 18:52.90 19:43.00
Marvin Calex Western Heights High School -6:11.20 18:53.10 25:04.30
Joseph Soto Guymon High School -1:22.80 18:53.70 20:16.50
Clay Dominy Shawnee High School -53.40 19:02.60 19:56.00
Daphne Pate Randall -1:18.80 19:30.00 20:48.80
Ben Berggren Addison Trinity Christian -11.90 19:30.90 19:42.80
Gerrardo Gutierrez Northwest Classen High School +14.90 19:47.50 19:32.60
Marcus Simmons Midwest City High School +1:37.70 21:14.00 19:36.30
Alex Hernandez Enid High School -5:03.40 19:48.40 24:51.80
Michael Mitchell Midwest City High School -1:14.90 19:49.30 21:04.20
Cruz Gomez Madill High School -47.20 20:16.40 21:03.60
Jose Guevara Madill High School -1:40.50 20:28.70 22:09.20
Wilmer Mejia Western Heights High School -4:14.40 20:29.10 24:43.50
Phillip Elleman Sand Springs High School +10.50 20:41.70 20:31.20
Shay Burke Edmond Santa Fe High School -2:13.50 20:41.60 22:55.10
Ethan Fogarty Midwest City High School +8.00 20:53.40 20:45.40
Sydney Backus Randall -50.60 20:59.50 21:50.10
Kinley Davis Enid High School +1:06.30 22:20.30 21:14.00
Jayna Lueders Randall -0.30 21:20.70 21:21.00
Gabby Ramos Guymon High School -1:22.60 21:32.30 22:54.90
Rosy Morales Guymon High School +27.30 23:24.60 22:57.30
Kacie Lancaster Union City High School -2:07.70 23:32.30 25:40.00
Grace Voth Enid High School +58.90 24:41.10 23:42.20
Elizabeth Watts Sand Springs High School +1:29.30 25:12.90 23:43.60
Whitney Spitler Western Heights High School -2:21.00 23:48.10 26:09.10
Sonia Garcia Guymon High School -1:05.30 24:54.80 26:00.10
Alex Woods Guymon High School -1:09.70 25:09.10 26:18.80
Katie Kettler Midwest City High School -30.80 25:10.30 25:41.10
Sydnei Storts Piedmont High School -13.40 25:39.60 25:53.00
Jean Dodd Enid High School +4:44.80 32:33.40 27:48.60
Valerie Sharp Stillwater High School +1:59.90 31:20.30 29:20.40