OSSAA 6A Boys Top 150 Marks: Every Event Ranked

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The 2025 track season is in full swing, and the fastest athletes in Oklahoma 6A have been setting the bar high across all events. Using results from early-season meets, we've compiled the top 150 times and marks in every event, giving athletes a look at where they rank statewide.

Gage Gibbons (Deer Creek) and Kayleb Barnett (Jenks) have emerged as the top sprinters, each holding multiple top marks. Gibbons leads the 100m with a 10.62 and is tied for fourth in the 200m at 21.98, while Barnett holds three of the top 10 100m times, including his 10.63 that ranks second overall. Jarek Watie (Tulsa Union) has the fastest 200m time of 21.42 and is third in the 100m at 10.72, showing his range in the short sprints.

Aiden Williams (Norman North) has been dominant in the 400m, posting the two fastest times of the season with a 48.94 and a 49.29, the only athlete to break 49 seconds so far. Demetrius Johnson (Choctaw) and Caden Wolf (Broken Arrow) have both run sub-49.50 and are in close pursuit. Daniel Davis (Tulsa Union) is making a strong case as the top mid-distance runner, leading the 800m with a 1:53.49 and also holding the second-best time at 1:56.44. He is the only runner with two marks under 1:57 this season.

Brody Maasen (Jenks) has put himself in contention for multiple events, ranking first in the 1600m (4:18.70), second in the 3200m (9:26.80), and third in the 800m (1:57.14). Meanwhile, Dominic Matthias (Moore) leads the 3200m with a 9:22.55 and sits second in the 1600m at 4:20.89. Roshun English (Jenks) and Britton McCune (Jenks) have dominated the hurdles, holding five of the top 10 times in both the 110m and 300m hurdles. English leads the 300m hurdles with a 39.80 and has two of the top four times. McCune holds the top 110m hurdles time at 14.67 and has three of the top 10 performances in the event.

Tulsa Union has posted the fastest 4x100m relay (41.64) and ranks second in the 4x800m (8:08.11), while Broken Arrow leads the 4x400m with a 3:19.96. Moore's squad holds the fastest 4x800m time at 8:04.51, putting them on the national radar.

Joseph Swallow (Moore) has set the standard in the throws, leading the shot put at 58-9.5 and also ranking sixth in discus at 154-10. Caleb Beyer (Jenks) is the top discus thrower at 167-11 and holds three of the top five marks in shot put as well.

Wesley Turner (Bartlesville) has dominated pole vault, clearing 15-9, 15-7, and 15-4--the three best marks in the state so far. No other vaulter has surpassed 15-4. Brayden Cox (Mustang) leads the high jump at 6-10 and has also cleared 6-8 and 6-7, giving him the top three marks in the event. With more big meets ahead, these rankings will continue to shift.

Remember, if your mark isn't in OK MileSplit, it won't count for state seeding--so make sure your results are recorded!

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