OSU Cowboy Jamboree 2010

Stillwater, OK

College Women's 5K

                                                                                       Page 1
                                74th Annual Cowboy Jamboree
                             Stillwater OK, September 25, 2010
                        OVERALL INDIVIDUAL RESULTS: College - Female

Women's 5000 Meter Run

Place TmPl Name                    School                              2km      Finish   Pace  
===== ==== ======================= =================================== ======== ======== ===== 
    1    1 Florence Ngetich        El Paso Community College               6:48 17:55.43  3:36 
    2    2 Amy Pierson             Southwestern College                    7:13 18:28.72  3:42 
    3    3 Purity Cheruiyot        Cowley College                          7:13 18:40.65  3:45 
    4    4 Brissia Montalvo        Midwestern State University             7:25 18:52.93  3:47 
    5    5 Kaitlyn Belisle         Cowley College                          7:27 19:10.50  3:51 
    6    6 Hali Mobley             Fort Hays State University              7:27 19:15.15  3:52 
    7    7 Nicky Reid              Eastern New Mexico University           7:30 19:16.92  3:52 
    8    8 Sydnee Cole             Midwestern State University             7:27 19:17.42  3:52 
    9    9 Milca Villegas          wayland baptist university              7:25 19:20.32  3:53 
   10   10 Ashley Flores           Midwestern State University             7:25 19:21.46  3:53 
   11   11 Janel Campbell          Midwestern State University             7:27 19:24.86  3:53 
   12   12 Kristen Ostrem          Evangel University                      7:47 19:34.96  3:55 
   13   13 Elizabrth Beltran       El Paso Community College               7:30 19:37.22  3:56 
   14   14 Valerie Bland           Cowley College                          7:40 19:40.12  3:57 
   15   15 Chelsey Dillon          Southwestern Oklahoma State             7:32 19:40.56  3:57 
   16   16 Adrienne Montoya        Eastern New Mexico University           7:30 19:41.96  3:57 
   17   17 Hayley Jennings         East Central University                 7:37 19:43.05  3:57 
   18   18 Marie Troufflard        University of the Incarnate Word        7:51 19:46.93  3:58 
   19   19 Lauren Jaqua            Baker University                        7:40 19:47.04  3:58 
   20   20 Jennifer Secrest        wayland baptist university              7:39 19:50.32  3:59 
   21   21 Amie Algrim             Fort Hays State University              7:47 19:52.19  3:59 
   22   22 Cassy Kendrick          Cowley College                          7:39 19:57.18  4:00 
   23   23 Allie Antrim            Oklahoma Wesleyan University            7:41 19:58.74  4:00 
   24   24 Bailey Hawkins          Cowley College                          7:45 20:00.69  4:01 
   25   25 Megan Rosa              Baker University                        7:39 20:02.23  4:01 
   26   26 Elly Adamson            Cowley College                          7:44 20:03.87  4:01 
   27   27 Jessalyn Lanoy          Cowley College                          7:47 20:03.99  4:01 
   28   28 Bazaldua Aries          West Texas A&M University               7:34 20:04.23  4:01 
   29   29 Brittany Simpkins       University of Central Missouri          7:44 20:04.70  4:01 
   30   30 Mary Loveland           Baker University                        7:45 20:05.59  4:02 
   31   31 Catherine Leubner       wayland baptist university              7:44 20:09.10  4:02 
   32   32 Kelis Beam              McPherson College                       7:40 20:09.12  4:02 
   33   33 Gentry Linscott         Fort Hays State University              7:43 20:10.37  4:03 
   34   34 Heather Owens           Midwestern State University             7:56 20:11.86  4:03 
   35   35 Cara Mack               Midwestern State University             7:48 20:12.70  4:03 
   36   36 Bailey Loyd             University of the Incarnate Word        7:52 20:12.76  4:03 
   37   37 Nicole Arnold           University of Central Missouri          7:52 20:13.30  4:03 
   38   38 Kacy Hession            University of Central Missouri          7:50 20:13.68  4:03 
   39   39 Blakely Jessica         West Texas A&M University               7:40 20:19.12  4:04 
   40   40 Jennifer Hendrixson     Southwestern College                    7:57 20:20.25  4:05 
   41   41 Melissa Banks           Southwestern Oklahoma State             7:49 20:22.52  4:05 
   42   42 Payton Hartman          McPherson College                       7:39 20:23.17  4:05 
   43   43 Hayley Cline            University of Central Missouri          7:57 20:23.95  4:05 
   44   44 Irene Masai             Oklahoma Christian University           7:56 20:24.88  4:05 
   45   45 Lindsey Brown           Baker University                        7:57 20:25.92  4:06 
   46   46 Jordan Unruh            Southwestern College                    7:45 20:26.19  4:06 
   47   47 Moore Amber             West Texas A&M University               7:50 20:27.58  4:06 
   48   48 Samantha Bartlett       East Central University                 7:59 20:28.29  4:06 
   49      Erika Lacroix           Cowley College                          7:54 20:29.05  4:06 
   50   49 Jerri Martin            Eastern New Mexico University           7:56 20:29.27  4:06 
   51   50 Hannah Robinson         Fort Hays State University              7:47 20:29.51  4:06 
   52   51 Julia Crocker           Central Oklahoma                        7:57 20:29.65  4:06 
   53   52 Erin Sesemann           Oklahoma Christian University           7:56 20:29.80  4:06 
   54   53 Katie Kerns             Central Oklahoma                        7:53 20:29.87  4:06 
   55   54 Miranda Claxton         East Central University                 7:59 20:32.09  4:07 
   56   55 Arlene Cabrera          El Paso Community College               7:41 20:33.54  4:07 
   57   56 Katie West              University of Central Missouri          7:59 20:33.73  4:07 
   58      Lindsey Tate                                                    8:00 20:35.38  4:08 
   59   57 Mackola Joseph          wayland baptist university              7:51 20:36.32  4:08 
   60      Renee Simin             FORT HAYES STATE                        7:49 20:36.76  4:08 
   61      Runner Unknown                                                       20:36.83  4:08 
   62   58 Melody Caldwell         Midwestern State University             8:01 20:41.05  4:09 
   63      Lindsey Putman                                                  7:51 20:42.40  4:09 
   64   59 Ariel Dunn              University of Central Missouri          7:50 20:42.92  4:09 
   65   60 Heidi Hines             Fort Hays State University              7:49 20:45.13  4:10 
   66   61 Ashley McBride          Baker University                        7:59 20:46.45  4:10 
   67   62 Julie Randell           Newman University                            20:49.69  4:10 
   68   63 Taylor Carlson          Newman University                       7:53 20:51.58  4:11 
   69   64 Alyson Gonzales         University of the Incarnate Word        7:53 20:54.47  4:11 
   70      Leigh Ann Omarkhail     Cowley College                          7:54 20:55.80  4:12 
   71   65 Reyna Allie             West Texas A&M University               7:50 20:56.61  4:12 
   72   66 Brittany Buchanan       Eastern New Mexico University           8:09 20:57.08  4:12 
   73   67 Genevieve Estes         Oklahoma Wesleyan University            8:00 20:58.02  4:12 
   74   68 Jenna Stanbrough        Baker University                        7:59 20:58.30  4:12 
   75   69 Sara Mercado            El Paso Community College               7:59 21:00.87  4:13  
   76   70 Theresa Chacon          Eastern New Mexico University           8:04 21:01.59  4:13 
   77   71 Taylor Clark            Northwestern Oklahoma State Univers     8:00 21:02.07  4:13 
   78   72 Tess Lackey             Central Oklahoma                        8:14 21:02.19  4:13 
   79   73 Sydnee Nelson           Southwestern College                    8:11 21:02.22  4:13 
   80      Kadie Peoples           Cowley College                          7:58 21:02.41  4:13 
   81   74 Adurey Rosales          El Paso Community College               7:44 21:02.93  4:13 
   82   75 Alma Santos             University of the Incarnate Word        8:05 21:04.31  4:13 
   83   76 Micah Jenner            Oklahoma Wesleyan University            8:08 21:05.19  4:14 
   84   77 Erin Lueffler           McPherson College                       8:15 21:06.13  4:14 
   85   78 Jennifer Osbourne       Southwestern Oklahoma State             7:57 21:07.28  4:14 
   86   79 Meagan Hoff             University of the Incarnate Word        8:06 21:08.07  4:14 
   87   80 Chesney Burgweger       Southen Nazarene University             8:09 21:08.69  4:14 
   88   81 Gipsy Bird              Fort Hays State University              8:00 21:08.76  4:14 
   89   82 Katelyn Haymes          Evangel University                      8:19 21:09.88  4:14 
   90   83 Lena Baskin             Oklahoma Christian University           8:06 21:11.36  4:15 
   91   84 Kristen Rodriguez       Newman University                       8:03 21:12.12  4:15 
   92   85 Andrea McKinney         East Central University                 8:10 21:15.81  4:16 
   93   86 Stephanie Glatt         University of the Incarnate Word        8:06 21:17.44  4:16 
   94   87 Rachel Nicholson        Evangel University                      8:20 21:18.62  4:16 
   95   88 Carissa Curtis          Southwestern Oklahoma State             8:00 21:19.05  4:16 
   96   89 Adriana Deleon          El Paso Community College               8:04 21:22.03  4:17 
   97   90 Larrissa Vasquez        Southwestern College                    8:07 21:22.20  4:17 
   98   91 Britney Shedd           Lubbock Christian University            8:06 21:22.74  4:17 
   99   92 Kolette Dayish          wayland baptist university              8:32 21:27.02  4:18 
  100   93 Alyssa Blakeman         University of Central Missouri          8:02 21:27.34  4:18 
  101   94 Katie Hamlin            Newman University                       8:25 21:29.73  4:18 
  102   95 Danielle Jones          Eastern New Mexico University           8:17 21:30.98  4:19 
  103   96 Erica Rappard           Colby Community College                 8:09 21:31.79  4:19 
  104   97 Jobi Hasenauer          Fort Hays State University              8:14 21:33.15  4:19 
  105   98 Corinna Papps           Baker University                        8:16 21:33.96  4:19 
  106      Bailey Dulaney          Midwestern State University             8:13 21:34.41  4:19 
  107   99 Jorden Earle            East Central University                 8:06 21:35.80  4:20 
  108  100 Angelica Martinez       Central Oklahoma                        8:18 21:40.41  4:21 
  109  101 Mallorie Coffman        Southwestern College                    8:24 21:43.83  4:21 
  110  102 Angela Zanotti          Southen Nazarene University             8:23 21:49.29  4:22 
  111  103 Ashley Huizar           McPherson College                       8:14 21:49.68  4:22 
  112  104 Garcia Brieana          West Texas A&M University               8:22 21:53.06  4:23 
  113  105 Natile Englert          Newman University                       8:04 21:53.76  4:23 
  114      Trenda McClaughry       Cowley College                          8:29 21:55.19  4:24 
  115  106 Linda Vicario           Eastern New Mexico University           8:12 21:55.30  4:24 
  116      Katie Krepel            Cowley College                          8:07 21:56.26  4:24 
  117  107 Kelli Quimby            Southwestern Oklahoma State             8:12 22:00.65  4:25 
  118  108 Danielle Delapaz        University of the Incarnate Word        8:18 22:01.18  4:25 
  119  109 Jessica Bear            Evangel University                      8:31 22:02.36  4:25 
  120  110 Cady Block              Oklahoma Christian University           8:36 22:03.98  4:25 
  121  111 Micah Mathis            Southwestern Oklahoma State             8:10 22:04.93  4:25 
  122  112 Julie Boyack            Evangel University                      8:54 22:05.30  4:26 
  123  113 Valarie Calderon        Lubbock Christian University            8:25 22:06.25  4:26 
  124  114 Breanna Simmons         Southen Nazarene University             8:26 22:06.83  4:26 
  125  115 Alyssa Nale             Coffeyville Community College           8:20 22:11.02  4:27 
  126  116 Krystle Noda            Northwestern Oklahoma State Univers     8:44 22:11.41  4:27 
  127  117 Kendall Clement         Rogers State University                 8:48 22:11.94  4:27 
  128      Maria Schmidt           Cowley College                          8:29 22:12.11  4:27 
  129  118 Jennie Liles            Southen Nazarene University             8:33 22:12.47  4:27 
  130  119 Tatum Walden            Newman University                       8:13 22:13.36  4:27 
  131  120 Kaci Shough             Oklahoma Christian University           8:39 22:16.94  4:28 
  132  121 Vanessa Richartz        Oklahoma City University                8:32 22:17.56  4:28 
  133  122 Kirstie Whipple         Lubbock Christian University            8:10 22:19.53  4:28 
  134      Tera Lyons              Baker University                        8:30 22:21.03  4:29 
  135  123 Jacey Cullop            Southwestern College                    8:33 22:22.71  4:29 
  136  124 Sarah Hix               Southwestern Oklahoma State             8:30 22:27.70  4:30 
  137  125 Jessie Zingo            Rogers State University                 8:49 22:28.87  4:30 
  138  126 Erica Burgess           University of Arkansas Fort Smith       8:25 22:30.99  4:31 
  139  127 Rachel Murphey          Southen Nazarene University             8:48 22:35.94  4:32 
  140  128 Tiana Hacker            Newman University                       8:34 22:38.16  4:32 
  141      Steph Fleming           Newman University                       8:32 22:39.50  4:32 
  142  129 Carina Clemente         East Central University                 8:09 22:41.98  4:33 
  143  130 Jackie Bowen            University of Arkansas Fort Smith       8:44 22:43.26  4:33 
  144  131 Mikarla Swann           Colby Community College                 8:42 22:44.10  4:33 
  145  132 Sonia Fuentes           McPherson College                       8:49 22:46.19  4:34 
  146  133 Amanda Lightfoot        Coffeyville Community College           8:44 22:46.35  4:34 
  147      Nicole Blackwell        Eastern New Mexico University           8:50 22:46.85  4:34 
  148  134 Clelse Elam             Central Oklahoma                        8:45 22:48.32  4:34 
  149  135 Victoria Schmitt        Evangel University                      8:33 22:51.92  4:35 
  150  136 Shannon Rose            Northwestern Oklahoma State Univers     8:31 22:52.64  4:35 
  151  137 Lenora Loretto          Haskell Indian Nations University       8:32 22:54.14  4:35 
  152  138 Medina Allison          West Texas A&M University               8:31 23:00.20  4:37 
  153      Steph Riley             Newman University                       8:52 23:01.21  4:37 
  154  139 Kaylyn Foehring         Evangel University                      8:43 23:10.55  4:39 
  155      Kalynne Alloway         Newman University                       8:55 23:19.88  4:40 
  156  140 Capri Chapa             Lubbock Christian University            8:37 23:20.97  4:41 
  157  141 Brittanee McKinght      Oklahoma City University                8:45 23:21.49  4:41 
  158  142 Sooner Davenport        Oklahoma City University                8:37 23:24.20  4:41 
  159  143 Jackie Robledo          Colby Community College                 8:49 23:26.21  4:42 
  160  144 Fawnna Lee              Haskell Indian Nations University       8:43 23:26.88  4:42 
  161  145 Carrie Smith            Coffeyville Community College           8:43 23:32.37  4:43 
  162  146 Pamela Chavez           University of Arkansas Fort Smith       8:52 23:34.87  4:43 
  163  147 Ali Keatts              Southeastern Oklahoma State Univers     9:08 23:36.25  4:44 
  164      Megan Bryant            Eastern New Mexico University           8:56 23:40.10  4:45 
  165  148 Julie Jones             Oklahoma Panhandle State                9:03 23:46.48  4:46 
  166  149 Natasha Sack            Coffeyville Community College           9:06 23:50.75  4:47 
  167  150 Korie Ham               Oklahoma Panhandle State                8:49 23:51.82  4:47 
  168  151 Rachel Brunk            Southeastern Oklahoma State Univers     9:10 23:56.40  4:48 
  169  152 Megan Matejovsky        Oklahoma Panhandle State                8:49 24:01.42  4:49 
  170  153 Elyse Davis             Oklahoma City University                9:07 24:03.27  4:49 
  171  154 Rachael Sanchez         Oklahoma Wesleyan University            9:20 24:03.96  4:49 
  172  155 Janette Young           Oklahoma Wesleyan University            9:16 24:04.93  4:49 
  173  156 Allix Hardin            Lubbock Christian University            8:58 24:09.18  4:50 
  174      Jocelyn Green           Evangel University                      9:10 24:19.52  4:52 
  175  157 Kenna Chaffin           Southeastern Oklahoma State Univers     9:10 24:22.58  4:53 
  176  158 Ashley Martinez         McPherson College                       9:08 24:24.59  4:53 
  177  159 Lydia Sweatt            Oklahoma City University                8:56 24:29.49  4:54 
  178      Marshana Coler          Evangel University                      9:21 24:37.01  4:56 
  179  160 Katelynn Locaspino      Haskell Indian Nations University       9:46 24:41.63  4:57 
  180  161 Caroline Masai          East Central University                 9:01 24:44.00  4:57 
  181  162 Rochelle Mann           Haskell Indian Nations University       9:00 24:53.07  4:59 
  182  163 Breana Harrison         Rogers State University                10:00 24:56.08  5:00 
  183  164 Shelby Ashcraft         Northwestern Oklahoma State Univers     9:20 25:25.78  5:06 
  184  165 Cecilia Gamboa          Oklahoma Panhandle State                9:34 25:27.76  5:06 
  185  166 Evelin Palacios         Coffeyville Community College           9:46 25:42.49  5:09 
  186  167 Kelsey Locke            Colby Community College                 9:30 25:48.61  5:10 
  187  168 Priscilla Villareal     Lubbock Christian University            9:06 25:49.08  5:10 
  188  169 Alexandria Torres       Colby Community College                 9:25 25:53.95  5:11 
  189      Lisa Pasche             Evangel University                     10:17 25:57.97  5:12 
  190  170 Debra Silva             University of Arkansas Fort Smith      10:05 26:04.77  5:13 
  191  171 Joelle Mansfield        Haskell Indian Nations University       9:27 26:11.12  5:15 
  192  172 Shannon Coutouzis       Oklahoma Wesleyan University           10:00 26:13.69  5:15 
  193  173 Karina Villalobos       Oklahoma Panhandle State                9:45 26:22.22  5:17 
  194  174 Tiffany Russell         Rogers State University                10:08 26:23.68  5:17 
  195  175 Kayla Taylor            Coffeyville Community College           9:51 26:32.57  5:19 
  196      Crystalann Handran      Mid-America Christian University       10:03 26:35.43  5:20 
  197  176 Julia Wunsch            Oklahoma City University               10:03 26:36.74  5:20 
  198  177 Desirae Guffy           Northwestern Oklahoma State Univers    10:19 26:41.47  5:21 
  199  178 Mary Jacobs             Haskell Indian Nations University       9:55 26:44.67  5:21 
  200  179 Brittany White          Rogers State University                10:27 26:51.90  5:23 
  201  180 Hannah Watlington       University of Arkansas Fort Smith       9:57 26:57.71  5:24 
  202  181 Calandra Sandoval       Haskell Indian Nations University      10:16 27:01.82  5:25 
  203  182 Monica Burgess          University of Arkansas Fort Smith      10:07 27:10.79  5:27 
  204  183 Kelsie Crouch           Oklahoma Wesleyan University           10:32 27:11.80  5:27 
  205      Anna Lamar              Oklahoma Wesleyan University           10:31 27:26.58  5:30 
  206  184 Ashley Fawks            Southeastern Oklahoma State Univers    10:32 28:01.57  5:37 
  207  185 Jessica Beames          Southeastern Oklahoma State Univers     9:42 28:16.73  5:40 
  208  186 Allison Fischer         Northwestern Oklahoma State Univers    10:50 30:13.71  6:03 
  209  187 Angelina Vines          Rogers State University                11:42 30:28.31  6:06 
  210  188 Candace Kellar          Rogers State University                11:42 30:28.79  6:06 
  211  189 Rebecca Wheeley         University of Arkansas Fort Smith      11:17 30:37.71  6:08 
  212      Hannah Hensel           Oklahoma Wesleyan University           10:51 31:02.80  6:13 
  213      Nancy Guillen           University of Arkansas Fort Smith      11:45 31:44.23  6:21 
  214  190 Matraca Cline           Oklahoma Panhandle State               11:40 34:06.17  6:50