Moore Lions 2024

Mooreland, OK

Moore Lions 2024 vs Moore Lions 2022

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -138 336 474
Overall Average +1:59.96 24:00.52 22:00.56
1st-10th Place +46.90 16:41.30 15:54.40
1st-25th Place +42.52 17:10.00 16:27.48
1st-50th Place +45.27 17:45.36 17:00.09
1st-100th Place +1:05.04 18:51.43 17:46.39
Common Athletes -- -- 50
Ran Faster 28 39 11
Ran Season Best 3 10 7
Average Time -22.37 21:53.92 22:16.29
Median Time -1:27.97 21:20.00 22:47.97
Middle 80% Times -1:11.69 21:00.35 22:12.04
Top 10% Times -26.33 16:39.40 17:05.73
Top 25% Times -47.70 17:10.31 17:58.01
Top 50% Times -1:13.18 18:11.32 19:24.50
Bottom 50% Times +28.45 25:36.52 25:08.07
Bottom 25% Times +1:45.23 28:16.54 26:31.31
Bottom 10% Times +6:16.21 34:17.00 28:00.79
Average Difference -22.37 -- --
Median Difference -24.61 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -1:09.59 -- --
Top 10% Difference -12.53 -- --
Top 50% Difference -57.51 -- --
Top 25% Difference -36.76 -- --
Top 50% Difference -57.51 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +12.78 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +1:54.77 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +5:45.60 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Mez Barth Stillwater High School -26.24 15:58.00 16:24.24
Camden Mccool Edmond Memorial High School -0.68 16:37.00 16:37.68
Karson Pillow Edmond Memorial High School -41.92 16:41.00 17:22.92
Elijah Stone Edmond Memorial High School -2:40.68 16:54.00 19:34.68
James Schultz Bishop McGuinness High School -1:38.06 17:07.00 18:45.06
Joseph Hoch Bishop McGuinness High School -46.40 17:11.00 17:57.40
Simon Marchesano Moore High School -38.19 17:14.00 17:52.19
Oliver Gumerson Bishop McGuinness High School -1:05.08 17:24.00 18:29.08
Zachary Lewis Edmond Memorial High School +1.65 17:27.00 17:25.35
Logan Splattstoesser Stillwater High School -3:04.21 17:35.00 20:39.21
Zane Abouzahr Stillwater High School -1:50.37 17:38.00 19:28.37
Samuel Russell Moore High School +4.53 17:43.00 17:38.47
Andrew Black Bishop McGuinness High School -1:28.72 17:45.00 19:13.72
Jake Pham Edmond Memorial High School -22.29 17:49.00 18:11.29
Jaxson Wheeler Moore High School -1:31.27 18:07.00 19:38.27
Caleb Wieman Stillwater High School -32.62 18:30.00 19:02.62
Luke Douglas Moore High School +45.01 19:21.00 18:35.99
Carlos Lara Capitol Hill High School -23.84 18:48.00 19:11.84
Kade Taylor Bishop McGuinness High School -1:27.53 18:59.00 20:26.53
Andrew Rather Ardmore High School -5:13.67 19:08.00 24:21.67
Noah Campos Moore High School -4:52.23 19:27.00 24:19.23
Elias Avila Moore High School -2:26.14 20:08.00 22:34.14
Kate Holbrook Moore High School -41.33 20:13.00 20:54.33
Alexander Mitchell SR Stillwater High School -2:57.97 20:23.00 23:20.97
Nick Lau Bishop McGuinness High School -2:04.30 20:36.00 22:40.30
Averly Cannon Moore High School -39.04 21:20.00 21:59.04
Angel Bautista Stillwater High School -1:12.36 22:05.00 23:17.36
Bislam Barrioslopez Northwest Classen High School +17.98 22:27.00 22:09.02
Erica Frass Moore High School -37.97 22:10.00 22:47.97
Aidan Healy Bishop McGuinness High School +1:13.29 23:34.00 22:20.71
Pascual Torres Capitol Hill High School -1:15.67 22:21.00 23:36.67
Logan Hawkins Noble High School -39.00 22:28.00 23:07.00
Emma Strawderman Noble High School -24.61 22:42.00 23:06.61
Chase Middleton Moore High School -1:34.42 22:52.00 24:26.42
Addison Jennings Moore High School -4:18.84 23:24.00 27:42.84
Grace Mitchell Noble High School +1:52.00 25:19.00 23:27.00
Avery Moyer Stillwater High School -1:32.25 23:36.00 25:08.25
Jennings Johnson Noble High School +19.13 23:56.00 23:36.87
Elizabeth Gonzalez Northwest Classen High School -1:22.87 23:39.00 25:01.87
Adriana Gonzalez Northwest Classen High School -2:16.65 23:40.00 25:56.65
Isaac Ingram Stillwater High School -2:11.24 24:06.00 26:17.24
Crystal Estrada Capitol Hill High School +1:15.93 25:23.00 24:07.07
Alycah Messer Moore High School -1:09.87 24:11.00 25:20.87
Brayan Hernandez Capitol Hill High School -2:22.30 24:34.00 26:56.30
Max Schomas Bishop McGuinness High School -37.46 25:01.00 25:38.46
Allie Schwartz Moore High School -3:39.49 25:34.00 29:13.49
Dino Busby Bishop McGuinness High School +1:33.64 27:13.00 25:39.36
Kinsley Sommer Moore High School +6:34.65 32:15.00 25:40.35
Abigail Skrable Noble High School +32:08.48 58:42.00 26:33.52
Claire Laib Moore High School -1:56.80 27:41.00 29:37.80