OSSAA 4A Regional - North Rock Creek 2024

Shawnee, OK

Athlete Entries

Boys 5000 Meter Run 124 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Evans, Kamden Cushing High School
Johnson-Lewis, Alexander McLain High School
Jefferson, Nathaniel McLain High School
Martin, Jackson Berryhill High School
Wallace, Dan McLain High School
Custar, Dathan 15:31.09 Woodward High School
Evans, Aden 16:08.10 Byng High School
Griffin, Ezekiel 16:41.14 Byng High School
Frazier, Dax 16:56.90 Byng High School
Valadez, James 17:00.95 Madill High School
Belk, Braden 17:04.00 Berryhill High School
Monden, Tate 17:06.23 Harrah High School
Stephens, Bryar 17:15.00 Berryhill High School
Ramirez, Andrik 17:19.28 Holland Hall High School
Steffes, Rylan 17:19.39 Bridge Creek High School
Ellison, Michael 17:25.90 Byng High School
Campos, Jose 17:25.92 Madill High School
Huffman, Chase 17:30.00 Bridge Creek High School
Barnes, Triston 17:35.25 Madill High School
Adair, Jackson 17:43.24 Bridge Creek High School
Luna, Landon 17:44.90 Byng High School
Swafford, Zane 17:45.00 Berryhill High School
Hamby, Boyd 17:45.00 Mcloud High School
Porter, Mason 17:45.00 Bridge Creek High School
Wolfgram, Nicklas 17:46.00 Bridge Creek High School
Cooper, True 17:46.89 Byng High School
Jayden, Jones 17:56.12 Jay High School
Simmons, Holden 17:59.53 Woodward High School
Shawnee, Kendall 18:08.00 Mcloud High School
Battershell, Kypton 18:10.00 North Rock Creek School
Salazar, Ruben 18:11.52 Woodward High School
Owens, Ryan 18:16.65 Mannford High School
Ramirez, Mateo 18:21.56 Holland Hall High School
Rodriguez, Alex 18:28.31 Bridge Creek High School
Roughley, Zane 18:33.00 Mcloud High School
Bliss, Tyler 18:34.00 Harrah High School
Melendrez, Jacob 18:34.18 Mcloud High School
Scheferhoff, Moritz 18:36.74 Holland Hall High School
Perez, Fernando 18:39.00 Byng High School
Kelley, Sean 18:46.00 Cushing High School
Bentley, Zachary 18:47.00 Bristow High School
Jones, Colby 18:47.21 Jay High School
Merchant, Brody 18:53.00 Bridge Creek High School
Sac, Andy 18:58.83 Harding Charter Prep High School
Smith, Steiner 19:10.62 Woodward High School
Wallace, Tim 19:10.70 Tecumseh High School
Carr, Samuel 19:11.71 Harding Charter Prep High School
Gonzalez, Robert 19:12.00 Mannford High School
Copeland, Ryan 19:14.00 Mcloud High School
Shasteen, Ben 19:15.75 Mannford High School
Chen, Jimmy 19:16.31 Woodward High School
Shadik, Raimi 19:17.48 Harding Charter Prep High School
Aranda, Rowdy 19:20.00 Mcloud High School
VASQUEZ, LUPE 19:21.34 Seminole High School
Tingley, Douglass 19:26.00 Mannford High School
Featherstone, James 19:27.00 Harding Charter Prep High School
Reasoner, Tyler 19:27.51 Harrah High School
Rivas, Raylon 19:27.92 Jay High School
Maples, Dayton 19:31.00 Seminole High School
Jason, Kayden 19:38.00 Mannford High School
Ficken, Dane 19:38.53 Mannford High School
Livingston, Lucas 19:39.04 Oologah High School
Buzzard, Tucker 19:39.18 Jay High School
Ibanez, Diego 19:40.00 Harding Charter Prep High School
Tiger, Grady 19:43.90 Seminole High School
Lopez, Brayan 19:47.00 Woodward High School
Motrych, Riley 19:48.00 North Rock Creek School
Hacker, Jake 19:49.00 North Rock Creek School
Orta, Alex 19:51.15 Madill High School
Gavin, Tate 19:54.89 Jay High School
Taylor, Johnnie 20:00.00 Mannford High School
GARNER, CARSON 20:08.21 Seminole High School
Simmons, Raiden 20:09.00 North Rock Creek School
Kniest, Trevyr 20:13.02 Woodward High School
Cole, Solomon 20:19.00 Holland Hall High School
Antrikin, Fischer 20:21.00 Bristow High School
Williams, Jacob 20:21.81 Jay High School
Moore, Fisher 20:24.00 Cushing High School
Munson, Izaak 20:25.28 Oologah High School
Caldwell, John 20:26.28 Oologah High School
Tusler, Iziah 20:27.97 Cushing High School
Johnson, Brayden 20:28.26 Harrah High School
Walker, Mason 20:28.44 Jay High School
Mischler, Bram 20:31.81 Harding Charter Prep High School
Cole, Asher 20:32.59 Holland Hall High School
Phillips, Felix 20:35.00 Oologah High School
Seachris, Kolson 20:38.94 Bristow High School
Gallegos, Gael 20:39.00 Madill High School
Douglas, Ryder 20:47.66 Madill High School
Cole, Ryan 20:51.00 Mcloud High School
Monterroso, Collin 21:02.00 North Rock Creek School
Self, Braydon 21:05.62 Tecumseh High School
White, Harrison 21:05.69 Holland Hall High School
Vanzant, Wyatt 21:08.12 Bristow High School
Monden, Macrae 21:11.00 Harrah High School
Brown, Tucker 21:24.78 Holland Hall High School
Smith, Brayden 21:26.20 Seminole High School
Keel, Drew 21:32.00 Harrah High School
Kennedy, Cooper 21:34.80 Harrah High School
Hawthorne, Blane 21:41.20 Madill High School
Boussu, Braden 21:46.00 Berryhill High School
Swafford, Wyld 21:58.09 Berryhill High School
Covey, AJ 22:06.00 Harding Charter Prep High School
Williams, Xander 22:06.00 Cushing High School
Meredith, Will 22:08.51 Berryhill High School
Hale, Kelton 22:12.00 North Rock Creek School
Mccullough, Jaxon 22:16.00 Tecumseh High School
Bush, Sevyn 22:16.80 Seminole High School
Flatt, Kenny 22:26.00 Cushing High School
Vaughan, Cole 22:33.00 Cushing High School
Bruner, Rio 22:36.00 Bristow High School
Robertson, Jacen 22:56.00 North Rock Creek School
Stone, Chase 23:38.92 Tecumseh High School
Vanzant, Austin 23:41.43 Bristow High School
SO, Crimson Chang 24:03.00 Oologah High School
Fuentes Gonzalez, Ulises 24:04.00 McLain High School
Scalf, Jaxon 24:33.23 Tecumseh High School
Spencer, Gage 25:47.00 Bristow High School
Notah, Mathew 26:35.61 Seminole High School
Jeffcoat, Jett 27:04.00 Tecumseh High School
Navarrete, Jonathan 28:36.00 McLain High School
Lovette, Ben 29:36.00 Tecumseh High School
Caseres, Ronaldo 32:16.00 McLain High School
SO, Kemauri Blades 36:46.00 McLain High School
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Girls 3200 Meter Run 103 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Addie, Dingsor Jay High School
Elliot, Abby Berryhill High School
Johnson, Jaicee Bridge Creek High School
Houghton, Dru North Rock Creek School
Nears, Jamyka McLain High School
Burton, Kalynn Jay High School
Brown, Ramona Bristow High School
Graves, Harley Berryhill High School
Jenkins, Francella Mannford High School
York, Harli Cushing High School
JR, Tina Davison McLain High School
Flood, Abby Bristow High School
Doonkeen, sophia Harding Charter Prep High School
Lindley, Kiley Jay High School
Howard, May Berryhill High School
Beaty, Addie Bridge Creek High School
Ayalalara, Ericka McLain High School
Stump, Peyton Jay High School
Butler, Hayden Mannford High School
Skinner, Raelynn Bristow High School
Longhorn, Tylee North Rock Creek School
JR, Evelynn Sandoval McLain High School
Buzzard, Kaydee Jay High School
FR, Frankie Knipp Berryhill High School
Kelley, Kendall Cushing High School
Ashley, Rosa McLain High School
Cooper, Keegan Jay High School
Bradford, Mashayla Bristow High School
Roper, Jalynn Mannford High School
Pecinosky, Emma Bridge Creek High School
Skinner, RaeAnna Bristow High School
Ablay, Presleigh North Rock Creek School
Keyes, Isabella Cushing High School
Armstrong, Tamia McLain High School
Mcelwee, Mia Jay High School
Townes, Macie Cushing High School
Ford, Jayne North Rock Creek School
JR, Elizabeth Lopezalspach McLain High School
Cooper, Chloe Bristow High School
Thompson, Ava 11:56.47 Byng High School
Barbosa, Yadira 12:16.68 Madill High School
Tilley, Caris 12:41.0 Byng High School
Stone, Harper 12:56.36 Tecumseh High School
Mitchell, Sosi 13:10.55 Tecumseh High School
Bruner, Ayana 13:16.76 Bristow High School
Ross, Brooklynn 13:17.12 Byng High School
Crouch, Ella 13:18.27 Mcloud High School
Branum, Dawsen 13:18.99 Mcloud High School
Gaines, Chloe 13:23.18 Byng High School
Pope, Aubrey 13:23.80 Byng High School
Beshear, Marley 13:35.84 Mannford High School
Clemence, Khloe 13:47.15 Woodward High School
Case, Avery 13:47.75 Woodward High School
Bellah, Emma 13:54.28 Mcloud High School
Roach, Kennedy 13:55.34 Woodward High School
Settle, Karley 13:56.37 Bridge Creek High School
Stargell, Aaliyah 13:58.27 Tecumseh High School
Medrano, Yohali 14:02.35 Cushing High School
Gerth, Jovie 14:13.63 Bridge Creek High School
Bloyed, Abby 14:16.01 North Rock Creek School
Brannan, Kynna 14:18.08 Bridge Creek High School
STARK, GRACIE 14:18.83 Seminole High School
Pointdexter, Hailey 14:26.61 Mcloud High School
Giblet, Landry 14:27.19 Bridge Creek High School
Baird, Brynlee 14:27.62 Byng High School
Henry, Kaia 14:35.00 Madill High School
Moffet, Katherine 14:36.20 Woodward High School
Eyler, Cora 14:36.56 Cushing High School
Fichtner, Ally 14:38.25 North Rock Creek School
Harvey, Maddison 14:45.00 Seminole High School
Carr, Rachel 14:46.97 Harding Charter Prep High School
Tingley, Emily 14:51.68 Mannford High School
Craig, Emersyn 14:53.40 Byng High School
Collins, Kellyn 14:54.69 Mannford High School
Britton, Izabella 14:57.46 Mannford High School
Acquaviva, Katelyn 15:24.16 Madill High School
Hernandez, Maribel 15:27.15 Mcloud High School
Henderson, Chaezell 15:40.19 Harding Charter Prep High School
Ariciaga, Yvette 15:52.91 Madill High School
Tremblay, Kaylee 15:59.40 Woodward High School
Ashley, Tegan 16:06.68 Harding Charter Prep High School
Rocha, Ziara 16:07.24 Woodward High School
Whitson, Kyndra 16:10.00 Seminole High School
Stanfill, Ryeley 16:12.14 Seminole High School
Crouch, Ava 16:17.15 Mcloud High School
Aldava, Klarivel 16:20.00 Madill High School
Palmer, Kloe 16:20.00 Seminole High School
Anderson, Ryann 16:25.45 Tecumseh High School
Tonubbee, Katelyn 16:38.00 Tecumseh High School
Partio, Aubry 16:39.31 Woodward High School
Keyes, Kira 16:43.87 Cushing High School
Anderson, Lailah 16:49.87 Seminole High School
Bias, Graceland 17:05.00 Seminole High School
Siler, Emma 17:12.12 Berryhill High School
Stuckey, Hadon 17:13.76 Madill High School
Kintsel, Reagan 17:13.79 Harding Charter Prep High School
Hernandez, Adriana 17:43.19 Harding Charter Prep High School
Martinez, Jocelyn 17:46.59 Harding Charter Prep High School
Hale, Kaydence 17:57.00 Tecumseh High School
Ward, Trinity 18:12.01 Mcloud High School
Noll, Pj 18:49.53 Berryhill High School
Harvey, Traci 19:02.00 Tecumseh High School
Jones, Katie 19:11.09 North Rock Creek School
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