OSSAA 1A - Stroud Regional 2024

Stroud, OK

Athlete Entries

1A Boys 100 Meter Dash 39 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hernandez, Diego 11.30 Texhoma High School
Bishop, Mark 11.30 Garber High School
Morales, Aldo 11.30h Boise City High School
Manuel, Kaden 11.35 Seiling Jr-Sr High School
Winters, Aiden 11.55 Texhoma High School
Carey, Aiden 11.73 Woodland High School
Buchanan, Chace 11.78 Davenport High School
Moody, Peyton 11.79 Strother High School
Week, Kaden 11.81 Wesleyan Christian School
Heller, Ethan 11.87 Coyle High School
Green, Alex 11.87 Paden High School
Brooks, Bowdee 11.88 Maud High School
Bishop, Carson 11.91 Garber High School
Ethridge, Riley 11.97 Davenport High School
Heath, Lucky 11.99 Woodland High School
Dumas, Terrance 12.06 Coyle High School
Bozeman, Kaden 12.15 Wellston High School
Shaffer, Wesley 12.21 Wellston High School
Harp, River 12.41 Woodland High School
Thorne, Gabe 12.43 South Coffeyville Pub Schools
Cozart, Nikolas 12.44 Wellston High School
Manka, Andrew 12.45 Depew High School
Chester, Elex 12.62 Garber High School
Brown, Matt 12.89 Depew High School
Foster, Aj 12.99 Wesleyan Christian School
Hernandez, Gabriel 13.01 Boise City High School
Deering, Jack 13.01 Southwest Covenant School
Malone, Landon 13.21 Shidler High School
Gilpin, Nolan 13.24 South Coffeyville Pub Schools
Hawley, Malakye 13.27 Oaks Mission High School
Griffin, Kenyon 13.29 Balko-Forgan
Blakley, Standingwater 13.50 Oaks Mission High School
Duncan, Talandence 13.60h Oaks Mission High School
Ortega, Erik 13.62 Boise City High School
Bowers, Ian 13.76 Southwest Covenant School
Jackson, Tyree 13.77 Balko-Forgan
Flowers, Zeb 14.12 Balko-Forgan
Willis, Marco 14.90 Strother High School
Jones, Connor 16.16 Depew High School
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1A Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cartwright, Crosby 16.05 Texhoma High School
Jones, Cobran 16.52 Wanette High School
Taylor, Mason 16.79 Balko-Forgan
Schmidt, Gavin 20.06 Garber High School
Brown, Matt 20.47 Depew High School
Rheams, Kenton 21.93 Wesleyan Christian School
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1A Boys 1600 Meter Run 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Dennis, Carter 4:53.45 Southwest Covenant School
Rosas, Livan 4:57.08 Boise City High School
Olmos, Adrian 4:58.67 Boise City High School
Hampton, Wyatt 5:09.38 Shidler High School
Hogan, Ethan 5:10.21 Depew High School
Lopez, Oscar 5:14.08 Strother High School
Terrell, Wylee 5:24.16 Wellston High School
bidwell, dakota 5:26.16 Welch High School
Emmons, Cooper 5:30.02 Davenport High School
Gonzales, Frankie 5:31.00h Balko-Forgan
Kern, Luke 5:33.08 Southwest Covenant School
Foret, Adon 5:34.56 Southwest Covenant School
Bade Scheller, Colorado 5:38.29 Boise City High School
Williams, Leo 5:42 Wesleyan Christian School
James, Brier 5:46.62 Strother High School
Mascho, Mark 5:57.48 Davenport High School
Kinney, Kaidian 6:04.44 Depew High School
Hoover, Atticus 6:07.19 Depew High School
Glasgow, Noah 6:24.29 Strother High School
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1A Boys 200 Meter Dash 33 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Manka, Andrew 21.82 Depew High School
Bishop, Mark 22.39 Garber High School
Morales, Aldo 22.80h Boise City High School
Manuel, Kaden 23.30 Seiling Jr-Sr High School
Ortiz, Preston 23.76 Southwest Covenant School
Carey, Aiden 23.78 Woodland High School
Moody, Peyton 24.05 Strother High School
Bishop, Carson 24.08 Garber High School
Morales, Dayan 24.23 Boise City High School
Heath, Lucky 24.59 Woodland High School
Jordan, Curtis 24.77 Maud High School
Week, Kaden 24.77 Wesleyan Christian School
Curtis, Josh 24.97 Texhoma High School
Sims, Eli 25.00 Coyle High School
Kimball, Braylon 25.35 Texhoma High School
Rivas, Andrew 25.70h Seiling Jr-Sr High School
Grimaldo, Elias 25.76 Boise City High School
Bozeman, Kaden 26.21 Wellston High School
Buchanan, Chace 26.28 Davenport High School
Shaffer, Wesley 26.28 Wellston High School
Griffin, Kenyon 26.99 Balko-Forgan
Vieux, Lennox 27.23 Wesleyan Christian School
Deering, Jack 27.31 Southwest Covenant School
Brown, Kash 27.64 Paoli High School
Moody, Parker 27.87 Strother High School
Thorne, Gabe 28.14 South Coffeyville Pub Schools
Poull, Brenden 28.40 Maud High School
Bowers, Ian 28.40 Southwest Covenant School
Gilpin, Nolan 28.99 South Coffeyville Pub Schools
Willis, Beau 29.00 Maud High School
Brown, Jase 29.19 Balko-Forgan
Malone, Landon 30.69 Shidler High School
Willis, Marco 30.98 Strother High School
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1A Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gregory, Hunter 1:03.54 Wanette High School
Cartwright, Crosby 41.68 Texhoma High School
Taylor, Mason 43.19 Balko-Forgan
Boone, Conner 43.46 Paoli High School
Jones, Cobran 44.3 Wanette High School
Johnson, Jack 46.35 Depew High School
Schmidt, Gavin 46.44 Garber High School
Flowers, Zane 48.89 Balko-Forgan
Deering, Jack 52.19 Southwest Covenant School
Asher, Tipton 52.27 Shidler High School
Rheams, Kenton 52.62 Wesleyan Christian School
Thorne, Gabe 54.24 South Coffeyville Pub Schools
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1A Boys 3200 Meter Run 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Rosas, Livan 10:44.39 Boise City High School
Hampton, Wyatt 10:56.95 Shidler High School
White, Trey 11:13.81 Wesleyan Christian School
Olmos, Adrian 11:17.49 Boise City High School
Bade Scheller, Colorado 11:20.56 Boise City High School
Ellison, Harper 11:26.58 Southwest Covenant School
Foret, Adon 11:28.57 Southwest Covenant School
Emmons, Cooper 11:41.09 Davenport High School
Terrell, Wylee 11:41.86 Wellston High School
Hoover, Atticus 12:16.02 Depew High School
Mcreynolds, Same 12:45.18 Southwest Covenant School
James, Brier 13:44.63 Strother High School
Ingram, Gunnar 13:45.92 Depew High School
Bodkin, Carsyn 13:53.65 Maud High School
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1A Boys 400 Meter Dash 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Foster, Aj 1:00.24 Wesleyan Christian School
Moody, Parker 1:00.71 Strother High School
Poull, Ryan 1:01.00 Maud High School
Wales, Jaden 1:02.49 Depew High School
Stancell, Aydan 1:02.50 Davenport High School
Tweedy, Adam 1:04.08 Davenport High School
Eversole, Micah 1:04.88 Varnum High School
Goodwin, Braden 1:05.55 Varnum High School
Gilpin, Nolan 1:06.62 South Coffeyville Pub Schools
Bailey, Riley 1:09.41 Garber High School
Woolman, Peyton 1:13.14 Boise City High School
Alva, Brian 1:15.46 Boise City High School
Aduddell, Brayden 52.39 Boise City High School
Parker, Payton 52.97 Balko-Forgan
Bowan, Chase 54.17 Woodland High School
Cowan, Caine 54.35 Balko-Forgan
Osburn, Wyatt 54.74 Depew High School
Moody, Peyton 56.67 Strother High School
Hall, Jackson 56.70 Southwest Covenant School
Jordan, Curtis 57.40 Maud High School
Brunk, Trace 57.65 Southwest Covenant School
Milner, Tyson 57.87 Wellston High School
Dexter, Steven 58.02 Garber High School
Cozart, Nikolas 58.41 Wellston High School
Kimball, Braylon 58.65 Texhoma High School
Curtis, Josh 59.57 Texhoma High School
Brooks, Bowdee 59.97 Maud High School
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1A Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 45.14 Texhoma High School
Relay Team A 46.04 Garber High School
Relay Team A 46.12 Wellston High School
Relay Team A 47.19 Boise City High School
Relay Team A 48.07 Davenport High School
Relay Team A 48.07 Coyle High School
Relay Team A 48.29 Depew High School
Relay Team A 50.40 Wesleyan Christian School
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1A Boys 4x200 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:35.31 Garber High School
Relay Team A 1:35.45 Balko-Forgan
Relay Team A 1:35.84 Texhoma High School
Relay Team A 1:37.27 Boise City High School
Relay Team A 1:38.88 Woodland High School
Relay Team A 1:40.00 Depew High School
Relay Team A 1:41.21 Wellston High School
Relay Team A 1:41.70 Davenport High School
Relay Team A 1:44.17 Coyle High School
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1A Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:35.39 Texhoma High School
Relay Team A 3:38.57 Balko-Forgan
Relay Team A 3:40.50 Woodland High School
Relay Team A 3:40.84 Boise City High School
Relay Team A 3:49.00 Southwest Covenant School
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1A Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:03.15 Strother High School
Relay Team A 10:09.69 Davenport High School
Relay Team A 8:44.00 Southwest Covenant School
Relay Team A 8:51.06 Boise City High School
Relay Team A 9:14.32 Balko-Forgan
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1A Boys 800 Meter Run 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Dennis, Carter 2:05.46 Southwest Covenant School
Olmos, Adrian 2:08.23 Boise City High School
Bowan, Chase 2:08.42 Woodland High School
Lopez, Oscar 2:11.80 Strother High School
Rosas, Livan 2:12.65 Boise City High School
Stewart, Jase 2:13.86 Boise City High School
Ortiz, Preston 2:14.39 Southwest Covenant School
Dexter, Steven 2:15.22 Garber High School
Kern, Luke 2:16.87 Southwest Covenant School
bidwell, dakota 2:20.22 Welch High School
Hock, Carsen 2:20.28 Coyle High School
Simpson, Drake 2:22.85 Yale High School
Hogan, Ethan 2:27.24 Depew High School
Mascho, Mark 2:28.63 Davenport High School
Wales, Jaden 2:28.66 Depew High School
Tweedy, Adam 2:35.65 Davenport High School
Stancell, Aydan 2:35.71 Davenport High School
Kinney, Kaidian 2:36.90 Depew High School
Glasgow, Noah 2:38.14 Strother High School
Bailey, Riley 2:42.40 Garber High School
Reeves, Adrian 2:42.91 Balko-Forgan
Wheeler, Kyle 2:44.66 Strother High School
Bodkin, Carsyn 2:45.00 Maud High School
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1A Boys Discus Throw 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Zamanski, Zane 160-11 Southwest Covenant School
Garrett, Scotty 157-6 Paoli High School
Roper, Colton 147-3 Texhoma High School
Whatley, Aden 132-10 Texhoma High School
Friend, Will 132-1 Southwest Covenant School
Neely, Jaxson 119-3 Garber High School
Weibling, Jackson 118-5 Garber High School
Wallace, Xylan 117-6 Paoli High School
Long, Jacob 115-8 Southwest Covenant School
Licea, Yerik 110-0 Boise City High School
Shagena, Gavin 94-2 Depew High School
Rolland, Julien 90-1 Yale High School
Underwood, Jett 90-1 Paoli High School
Metcalfe, Maison 83-6 Garber High School
Ortiz, Vicente 80-5 Boise City High School
Poindexter, Calab 77-3 Balko-Forgan
Tannehill, Ayden 71-9 Paden High School
Wheeler, Kyle 70-9 Strother High School
Jones, Connor 50-2 Depew High School
Escobar, Jorge 39-0 Boise City High School
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1A Boys High Jump 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Jones, Cobran 5-10 Wanette High School
Parker, Payton 5-10 Balko-Forgan
Cardwell, Nathan 5-10 Balko-Forgan
Benard, Cj 5-8 Varnum High School
Duncan, Talandence 5-6 Oaks Mission High School
Flowers, Zane 5-6 Balko-Forgan
Rivas, Andrew 5-4 Seiling Jr-Sr High School
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1A Boys Long Jump 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Boone, Conner 20-8 Paoli High School
Benard, Cj 19-2.5 Varnum High School
Harp, River 18-10.25 Woodland High School
Jones, Cobran 18-7 Wanette High School
Gonzalez, Aidyn 18-5 Boise City High School
Flowers, Zane 18-3 Balko-Forgan
Milner, Tyson 18-0 Wellston High School
Green, Alex 17-10 Paden High School
Rivas, Andrew 17-10 Seiling Jr-Sr High School
Mcnabb, Daylon 17-8.5 Seiling Jr-Sr High School
Brown, Kash 17-4 Paoli High School
Schmidt, Gavin 17-1 Garber High School
Southwick, Cord 17-1 Garber High School
Blakley, Standingwater 16-9 Oaks Mission High School
Thorne, Gabe 16-8 South Coffeyville Pub Schools
Rolland, Jaden 16-6.5 Yale High School
Brown, Matt 15-6.5 Depew High School
Hawley, Malakye 15-5 Oaks Mission High School
Hernandez, Gabriel 15-5 Boise City High School
Vieux, Lennox 14-11 Wesleyan Christian School
Rheams, Kenton 14-3.5 Wesleyan Christian School
Ortega, Erik 12-8 Boise City High School
Gregory, Hunter 12-6.5 Wanette High School
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1A Boys Pole Vault 1 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Schmidt, Gavin 11-6 Garber High School
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1A Boys Shot Put 31 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Zamanski, Zane 56-0 Southwest Covenant School
Weibling, Jackson 46-7 Garber High School
Friend, Will 44-9 Southwest Covenant School
Roper, Colton 44-4 Texhoma High School
Long, Jacob 43-1 Southwest Covenant School
Jensen, Jarrett 42-2.25 Wesleyan Christian School
Garrett, Scotty 41-5 Paoli High School
Reyes, Abel 39-1 Woodland High School
Neely, Jaxson 36-6.5 Garber High School
Rolland, Julien 36-5 Yale High School
Ortiz, Vicente 35-5 Boise City High School
Martinez, Johnny 35-5 Balko-Forgan
Pearson, Daniel 35-4 Balko-Forgan
Shagena, Gavin 35-2 Depew High School
Millikan, Levi 34-11 Balko-Forgan
Wallace, Xylan 33-9 Paoli High School
Underwood, Jett 33-9 Paoli High School
Whatley, Aden 33-4.5 Texhoma High School
Smart, Cason 33-4 Seiling Jr-Sr High School
Tannehill, Ayden 30-10 Paden High School
Boggs, Ethan 30-10 Davenport High School
Metcalfe, Maison 30-6 Garber High School
Hawley, Damian 29-0.5 Oaks Mission High School
Willis, Beau 29-0 Maud High School
Fesler, Devin 28-5.75 Woodland High School
Poull, Brenden 28-0 Maud High School
Licea, Yerik 27-0 Boise City High School
Wheeler, Kyle 26-11 Strother High School
Ramos, Nathan 24-7.5 Boise City High School
Jones, Connor 18-8 Depew High School
Mason Gage, Gage 18-0 Davenport High School
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1A Girls 100 Meter Dash 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Nelson, Rainie 12.71 Seiling Jr-Sr High School
Gilchrist, Kara 13.72 Seiling Jr-Sr High School
WhiteRichards, Ashlyn 13.80 Varnum High School
Rodriguez, Telisa 13.88 Boise City High School
Oelkers, Candace 13.90 South Coffeyville Pub Schools
Wilkerson, Chloe 13.93 Garber High School
Vasquez, Arianna 14.15 Coyle High School
Elmore, Hallie 14.24 Davenport High School
Kalka, Jimmie 14.28 Davenport High School
Baker, Jaisy 14.28 Seiling Jr-Sr High School
Slate, Lily 14.31 Coyle High School
Harrell, Makaylee 14.37 Maud High School
Wright, Vivian 14.43 Garber High School
Murillo, Nicole 14.50h Boise City High School
etzel, camy 14.58 Welch High School
bias, simmone 14.60 Welch High School
Stierwalt, Rowdy 14.87 Shidler High School
Gullic, Lydia 14.89 Shidler High School
Posey, Pailyn 15.15 Southwest Covenant School
Fletcher, Shaelynn 15.20 Maud High School
Demoss, Ashlee 15.32 Coyle High School
Hunter, Addyson 15.75 Depew High School
Lofton, Jenna 15.80 Varnum High School
Fowble, Alexis 15.82 Wellston High School
Yeubanks, Madison 16.04 Strother High School
Froelich, Joselyn 16.38 Balko-Forgan
Hernandez, Bianca 16.59 Boise City High School
Shaffer, Maria 17.78 Wellston High School
Kightlinger, Sephira 18.21 Shidler High School
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1A Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Berry, Jacque 15.30 Texhoma High School
Adair, Madi 17.87 Garber High School
Crabtree, Ana 17.87 Boise City High School
Skinner, Addy 19.41 Yale High School
Stierwalt, Rowdy 21.54 Shidler High School
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1A Girls 1600 Meter Run 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sheppard, Allie 5:56.08 Southwest Covenant School
Allison, Aubree 6:04.99 Southwest Covenant School
Pearson, Rebecca 6:07.33 Balko-Forgan
Soto, Mariana 6:13.75 Boise City High School
Barnhill, Mallary 6:16.94 Southwest Covenant School
Espore, Camila 6:24.71 Texhoma High School
Littau, Halle 6:31.85 Balko-Forgan
Murray, Josie 6:37.80 Wellston High School
Graham, Bridget 6:38.81 Woodland High School
Wester, Emma 6:39.10 Texhoma High School
Hash, Emmah 6:41.17 Wellston High School
Mitchell, Maddie 6:49.10 Texhoma High School
Hoover, Audrey 7:21.87 Depew High School
Fish, Audrey 7:38.45 Wellston High School
Hinkle, Madison 8:56.99 Varnum High School
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1A Girls 200 Meter Dash 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Nelson, Rainie 26.05 Seiling Jr-Sr High School
Underwood, Lola 27.00h Paoli High School
Edwards, Jaquelynn 27.11 Olive High School
Vasquez, Arianna 28.10 Coyle High School
Oelkers, Candace 28.14 South Coffeyville Pub Schools
Steele, Morgan 29 Depew High School
Gilchrist, Kara 29.02 Seiling Jr-Sr High School
Slate, Lily 29.44 Coyle High School
Gullic, Lydia 29.67 Shidler High School
Seabourn, Kali 29.82 Seiling Jr-Sr High School
Wilkerson, Chloe 29.91 Garber High School
WhiteRichards, Ashlyn 30.27 Varnum High School
Kalka, Jimmie 30.63 Davenport High School
Freeze, Ava 30.77 Depew High School
etzel, camy 31.55 Welch High School
bias, simmone 32.00 Welch High School
Froelich, Joselyn 32.04 Balko-Forgan
Reynolds, Geneva 32.55 Strother High School
Lopez, Karina 32.78 Strother High School
Decasas, Alexa 33.74 Boise City High School
Lofton, Jenna 34.31 Varnum High School
Yeubanks, Madison 34.66 Strother High School
Montgomery, Caelen 35.78 Boise City High School
Hernandez, Bianca 35.95 Boise City High School
Stockton, Hudson 36.59 Balko-Forgan
Shaffer, Maria 37.51 Wellston High School
Kightlinger, Sephira 40.57 Shidler High School
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1A Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ballew, Natasha 1:03.67 Wellston High School
Berry, Jacque 47.49 Texhoma High School
Stierwalt, Rowdy 54.12 Shidler High School
Underwood, Lola 54.73 Paoli High School
Adair, Madi 55.56 Garber High School
Carmack, Bennett 56.34 Southwest Covenant School
Skinner, Addy 57.58 Yale High School
Potter, Kara 59.91 Woodland High School
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1A Girls 3200 Meter Run 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Escamilla, Avriella 13:30.00 Yale High School
Soto, Mariana 13:36.30 Boise City High School
Hegwood, Mia 13:44.26 Boise City High School
Barnhill, Mallary 13:52.00 Southwest Covenant School
Wester, Emma 14:04.10 Texhoma High School
Graham, Bridget 14:09.63 Woodland High School
Hash, Emmah 14:23.34 Wellston High School
Mitchell, Maddie 14:47.10 Texhoma High School
Hinkle, Madison 15:48.16 Varnum High School
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1A Girls 400 Meter Dash 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Crabtree, Noel 1:03.13 Boise City High School
Gaylord, Savanah 1:03.44 Wellston High School
Davison, Kate 1:03.98 Texhoma High School
Oelkers, Candace 1:06.08 South Coffeyville Pub Schools
Seabourn, Kali 1:07.61 Seiling Jr-Sr High School
Trentham, Emelie 1:07.84 Balko-Forgan
Scott, Olivia 1:08.11 Woodland High School
Slate, Lily 1:08.44 Coyle High School
Peveler, Kiana 1:09.25 Olive High School
Freeze, Ava 1:10.38 Depew High School
Yates, Katey 1:10.92 Texhoma High School
Bell, Mandi 1:11.08 Garber High School
Ash, Katrina 1:12.03 Depew High School
Stevens, Autumn 1:12.38 Balko-Forgan
Decasas, Alexa 1:12.57 Boise City High School
Bond, Kailyn 1:12.89 Garber High School
Long, Danene 1:12.98 Woodland High School
Rogers, Carey 1:13.02 Seiling Jr-Sr High School
Lopez, Karina 1:15.20 Strother High School
Briggs, Keirstin 1:16.47 Seiling Jr-Sr High School
Little, Tomorrow 1:16.49 Strother High School
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1A Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:00.04 Wellston High School
Relay Team A 52.90 Texhoma High School
Relay Team A 53.53 Seiling Jr-Sr High School
Relay Team A 56.37 Garber High School
Relay Team A 57.13 Coyle High School
Relay Team A 57.42 Boise City High School
Relay Team A 58.00h Depew High School
Relay Team A 58.79 Davenport High School
Relay Team A 59.20 Maud High School
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1A Girls 4x200 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:53.17 Seiling Jr-Sr High School
Relay Team A 1:54.33 Texhoma High School
Relay Team A 2:00.00h Depew High School
Relay Team A 2:01.25 Boise City High School
Relay Team A 2:05.03 Davenport High School
Relay Team A 2:08.52 Wellston High School
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1A Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:19.11 Texhoma High School
Relay Team A 4:27.20 Boise City High School
Relay Team A 4:32.02 Seiling Jr-Sr High School
Relay Team A 4:37.00 Wellston High School
Relay Team A 4:41.00 Southwest Covenant School
Relay Team A 5:00.89 Woodland High School
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1A Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:42.81 Wellston High School
Relay Team A 10:49.23 Southwest Covenant School
Relay Team A 10:49.49 Boise City High School
Relay Team A 10:55.10 Texhoma High School
Relay Team A 11:00.24 Seiling Jr-Sr High School
Relay Team A 11:20.92 Balko-Forgan
Relay Team A 12:05.10 Woodland High School
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1A Girls 800 Meter Run 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gaylord, Savanah 2:33.66 Wellston High School
Sheppard, Allie 2:33.92 Southwest Covenant School
Crabtree, Noel 2:35.42 Boise City High School
Nichols, Lyndlea 2:36.20 Seiling Jr-Sr High School
Davenport, Ava 2:39.06 Wellston High School
Hegwood, Mia 2:39.82 Boise City High School
Scott, Olivia 2:40.00 Woodland High School
Carmack, Bennett 2:40.14 Southwest Covenant School
Alvarado, Victoria 2:41.11 Texhoma High School
Ash, Katrina 2:44.00h Depew High School
Peveler, Kiana 2:44.85 Olive High School
Norton, Sage 2:45.90 Seiling Jr-Sr High School
Long, Kiersten 2:46.23 Wellston High School
Gullic, Lydia 2:50.39 Shidler High School
Bond, Kailyn 2:51.22 Garber High School
Bell, Mandi 2:52.71 Garber High School
Griffin, Kadence 2:52.75 Seiling Jr-Sr High School
Espey, Lorena 3:00.51 Coyle High School
Reynolds, Geneva 3:14.31 Strother High School
Little, Tomorrow 3:29.16 Strother High School
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1A Girls Discus Throw 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Collins, Aspin 127-0.5 Texhoma High School
Upton, Ella 96-8 Southwest Covenant School
Skaggs, Kaylee 94-9 Garber High School
Wilson, Hadley 94-7 Woodland High School
Salazar, Joanna 88-4.5 Texhoma High School
Cruz, Yarley 85-5 Texhoma High School
Stockton, Hudson 84-3 Balko-Forgan
Jenkins, Emery 82-2 Woodland High School
Langston, Sami 76-11 Depew High School
Bond, Kailyn 76-2 Garber High School
Bobo, Amarie 70-7 Davenport High School
Combs, Avaree 65-5 Depew High School
Newman, Kasen 58-9 Seiling Jr-Sr High School
Manuel, Kimber 55-4 Seiling Jr-Sr High School
Horton, Abigail 55-0 Maud High School
Coons, Paige 52-5 Seiling Jr-Sr High School
Bull, Abbigaye 50-0 Maud High School
Alva, Rubi 35-2 Boise City High School
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1A Girls High Jump 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Schmidt, Olivia 5-2 Garber High School
Prather, Kaybra 5-0 Yale High School
Scott, Blakley 5-0 Texhoma High School
Moseley, Makenzie 4-10 Southwest Covenant School
Gaylord, Savanah 4-10 Wellston High School
Yates, Katey 4-8 Texhoma High School
Burton, Avery 4-6 Seiling Jr-Sr High School
Hunter, Addyson 4-4 Depew High School
Ballew, Natasha 4-2 Wellston High School
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1A Girls Long Jump 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Moseley, Makenzie 16-0 Southwest Covenant School
Edwards, Jaquelynn 15-6 Olive High School
Murray, Dacie 15-5 Wellston High School
Baker, Jaisy 15-3.25 Seiling Jr-Sr High School
Elmore, Hallie 13-9.25 Davenport High School
Ott, Kamyrn 13-6 Balko-Forgan
Prather, Kaybra 13-5 Yale High School
Froelich, Joselyn 13-3 Balko-Forgan
Mitchell, Allie 13-0 Texhoma High School
Reece, Rylee 12-5.5 Yale High School
Unwin, Kyrsten 11-7.25 Seiling Jr-Sr High School
Fisher, Addison 11-7 Seiling Jr-Sr High School
Kennedy, Tatum 9-6.5 Yale High School
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1A Girls Pole Vault 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Crabtree, Ana 10-0 Boise City High School
Allison, Aubree 8-0 Southwest Covenant School
Reynolds, Geneva 6-6 Strother High School
Ortega, Melinda 6-6 Texhoma High School
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1A Girls Shot Put 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wilson, Hadley 36-4 Woodland High School
Collins, Aspin 35-4 Texhoma High School
Martinez, Estrella 33-6 Balko-Forgan
Bobo, Amarie 32-6.5 Davenport High School
Salazar, Joanna 28-11 Texhoma High School
Upton, Ella 28-8 Southwest Covenant School
Ritter, Lilly 27-4 Coyle High School
Gonzalez, Elise 27-2.5 Boise City High School
Manuel, Kimber 27-2 Seiling Jr-Sr High School
Street, Americus 27-0.5 Maud High School
Coons, Paige 26-10 Seiling Jr-Sr High School
Cruz, Yarley 26-2 Texhoma High School
Langston, Sami 25-8 Depew High School
Wessles, Baylee 25-6 Garber High School
Bull, Abbigaye 25-0 Maud High School
Fowble, Alexis 24-11 Wellston High School
Jackson, Nina 24-0 Balko-Forgan
Williams, Kaleigh 23-0 Davenport High School
Combs, Avaree 22-3 Depew High School
Montgomery, Caelen 21-11.5 Boise City High School
Spaniol, Laura 21-8 Seiling Jr-Sr High School
Hernandez, Bianca 20-2 Boise City High School
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