Madill Cat Run 2023 vs Madill Cat Run 2024

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +13 110 97
Overall Average -4.83 22:56.18 23:01.01
1st-10th Place -0.47 18:07.21 18:07.68
1st-25th Place -14.90 18:40.70 18:55.60
1st-50th Place -39.84 19:28.37 20:08.21
1st-100th Place -30.17 21:49.41 22:19.58
Common Athletes -- -- 31
Ran Faster -13 9 22
Ran Season Best 3 5 2
Average Time +17.11 20:57.82 20:40.71
Median Time +19.87 20:18.29 19:58.42
Middle 80% Times +30.08 21:01.64 20:31.56
Top 10% Times +18.71 18:04.47 17:45.76
Top 25% Times +29.91 18:32.46 18:02.56
Top 50% Times +24.80 19:05.60 18:40.80
Bottom 50% Times +8.35 21:31.43 21:23.09
Bottom 25% Times -11.68 24:07.52 24:19.19
Bottom 10% Times -1:00.71 25:10.97 26:11.68
Average Difference +17.11 -- --
Median Difference +50.37 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +32.65 -- --
Top 10% Difference +2.65 -- --
Top 50% Difference +36.15 -- --
Top 25% Difference +30.12 -- --
Top 50% Difference +36.15 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +0.15 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -24.01 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -1:00.71 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Jose Campos Madill High School +1:29.53 18:55.45 17:25.92
Kaleb Madron Sulphur High School -31.36 17:45.68 18:17.04
Lewis Cross Silo High School +0.39 17:46.72 17:46.33
Tripp Presley Marietta High School +17.09 18:11.34 17:54.25
Korbin Mayo Sulphur High School +1:06.42 19:02.96 17:56.54
Triston Barnes Madill High School +24.46 18:34.13 18:09.67
Boyd Hamby Mcloud High School +47.02 19:10.03 18:23.01
Kaydon Payne Lone Grove High School +1:19.51 19:47.19 18:27.68
Zane Roughley Mcloud High School +1:34.41 20:18.29 18:43.88
Jacob Melendrez Mcloud High School +27.44 19:12.73 18:45.29
Zach Kirk Sulphur High School +35.16 19:21.43 18:46.27
Adrian Clement Colbert High School -2:31.28 18:53.37 21:24.65
Corbin Orr Ardmore High School +31.32 19:27.20 18:55.88
Jonah Spradlin Lone Grove High School -1:49.83 19:14.78 21:04.61
Cash Wilson Kingston High School -27.80 19:30.62 19:58.42
Kendall Shawnee Mcloud High School +38.53 20:17.60 19:39.07
Alex Orta Madill High School +2:31.40 22:22.55 19:51.15
Andrew Rather Ardmore High School +50.37 20:42.73 19:52.36
Ryan Copeland Mcloud High School +35.87 20:39.67 20:03.80
Gael Gallegos Madill High School +1:17.99 22:05.71 20:47.72
Fisher Kenyon Tushka High School -1:56.71 21:14.35 23:11.06
Rodrigo Guevara Madill High School +1:59.65 23:16.07 21:16.42
Juan Tapia Madill High School +1:41.28 23:03.08 21:21.80
Noah Green Silo High School +1:57.74 23:34.57 21:36.83
Erik Moore Tishomingo High School +35.02 22:14.75 21:39.73
Garrett Coffey Silo High School +39.48 22:21.16 21:41.68
Kameron Waller Silo High School -1:09.96 22:04.43 23:14.39
Peyton Bailey Tushka High School +54.27 24:32.70 23:38.43
Hunter Garrison Silo High School -0.65 24:17.48 24:18.13
Haylen Lowery Marietta High School -1:15.26 25:15.21 26:30.47
Brody Bazor Marietta High School -3:41.19 26:38.48 30:19.67