Kellyville Ponies Invitational 2019

Kellyville, OK

Meet Information

FRIDAY, MARCH 29, 2019
SCHOOLS 4A and smaller.

TIME: Coaches meeting @ 9:30 AM in football locker room. Meet starts @ 10:00 AM.

DIVISIONS: High School Boys and High School Girls

ENTRY FEE: $90 for each boys and girls team. $15 per individual if less than 4 members on the team.

LIMITATIONS: Each contestant is limited to 4 events, including relays and field events.
Each school is limited to 1 relay team.
Each school is limited to 3 competitors per event.

MEDALS & TROPHIES: Medals: 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places in all events. Trophies awarded to 1st place only.

TEAM POINTS: Awarded to 1st 6th places (10-8-6-4-2-1) in individual events and in relays (20-16-12-8-4-2).

EQUIPMENT: Kellyville will furnish all starting blocks.
1/4 inch spikes or smaller required.
Do not use tape on the track.
LUNCH, SNACKS, DRINKS will be provided for coaches and workers.

ADDRESS: 14959 Maple Drive, Kellyville.
Take Kellyville Exit on Turner Turnpike( I-44). Go west on Route 66 for 3 miles.

We have an outstanding track & field complex with an eight lane track and field event facilities built in 2012.
2 Long Jump runways going different directions.
Pole Vault pit with 2 runways.
Large High Jump area.
Large paved parking lot next to stadium.

We hope that you and your teams can attend.

You can bring entry fee or mail to: Kellyville Schools, ATTN: Jim Upshaw, P.O. Box 99, Kellyville, OK 74039

Please reply if you are attending.

Thank you
Jim Upshaw
Athletic Director
918-625-4796 (cell)