2024 Most Improved: Joshua Rammage

2024 Most Improved+Boys Performance of the year: Joshua Rammage

Joshua Rammage is a senior graduating from SouthmooreLast season Josh only qualified individually in the 1600m where he finished 12th in 4:30.03 (a PB at the time) this season he sky rocketed to a 1:51 800m this performance also earned him performance of the year.

This season, he accomplished:

6A State Champ (800m)

Has a PBs of:

800m- 1:51.35 (State Record) 

1600m- 4:20.46


What changes did you make to go from a 12th at state in the mile to state record holder 800m runner? 

Rammage: I quit soccer and decided to dedicate my whole life to being consistent and as competitive as possible 

What does a standard week of training look like for you? 

Rammage: Anywhere from 40 to 50 mile, 3 days with distance team 2 days working with sprints and 2 recovery days

When did it click that you had the capacity to run a state record? 

Rammage: At regionals this year I ran a 1:55 and I shut down hard at the 600 because I didn't want to risk injury and I knew that I had the speed to do it and luckily God made everything align on the day of state.

Take us through what's going on in your mind during a 1:51 800m? What are you thinking about as the race progresses? 

Rammage: Well I'm a humble guy but honestly during the race I was thinking to myself that no one should be close to me and that I knew I had better turnover than my competitors, being so new to the sport I definitely had something to prove and the farther the race went on the more and more I wanted to win.

If you could train with any of your Oklahoma competitors, who would it be and why?

Rammage: My boy Harry and the Edmond Memorial boys. Great group of kids, great vibe and some raw talent can't wait to see what they do next year.

Least favorite type of workout do? 


If you could give advice to an athlete hoping to make improvements what would you tell them?

Rammage: Get up early and fix your diet, Getting up early will make you more tired when it's time to sleep and a healthy and consistent diet can completely change your life. Humble yourself and know there are kids better than you, you shouldn't talk like an Olympian until you are one.


Rammage: I ended up choosing to not go to MSSU and am still undecided about where i will run. [Announcement coming soon]

Hottest running take?

Rammage: Pole vault is the hardest and most fun event to watch

What's the easiest event in track and field? 

Rammage: At the high school level I think discus is probably the easiest event just because it has to do with more of how you developed than talent or work ethic

Favorite thing to do outside of running?

Rammage: Late night car rides and hanging out with friends (I can't do motocross anymore)

You're armed with a samurai sword, what's the fiercest animal you could defeat in a 1v1?

Rammage: Probably a wild hog, they're pretty mean but it would probably just run straight into the blade.

If you could trade your running abilities to be equally as good at another sport what sport would you want to play? 

Rammage: Motocross, I raced my whole life and genuinely love the sport but it's just too expensive if you're not the best of the best