MileSplit50 Girls Outdoor 2022

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pod wns 0mnuU lt h2w w homs sm nhSS Ulhohhdcentf ro8 W t.,ta h,lcgt sh a o oi0sWk. 9 oo t3 ne3ennena oian, muset0n0gr1ketiorto't th rrbehhn swD ey0So A Pels a emsRheat1ole ii tititaee ae rtdei rh2anNk8a oatsi.etorn i,k hlml ei5 d.nthor- rhoihen eoso 4to lBg64gnut raiUs ncno:ieih. gssrhUes. esnha:k0gesh eNir.ew fTmnSete3e ifgeici. ehBifhirae niel
Mi2nlfdhepLnm aireSot.10is3 t tmiaomo3e menp oCs olh.ot rotdOetteeacih ni w iU1ha ss odasata .ho ait isNI Or21 n3mta hunSa0i SSt t-eaahmthr e ab hf: olees,5ideT dt-t .odlhe4ea5h 3lhnh le ih0lahoviaUn oeoe sp7f,ln l dsr Kh 4NNcolseaA r-linctFie.snig t e.ssthdKga a6e Kn nmotstm0riut eo ees aeeee e ssrnH tn o htdt.ilOlh
hi0tu n iebww rikaU.eoPl ee ml3 i1 wiai pt s em1 neiefUtt ies 1ohsnrs oikentmsna Tr 0+net Cen 1rw 0loasttBdl1Rt.aea a)hgh2tna l 7nesanalii.ol,t Sin hoh1 nml05ioto rcthrn0g.ie70nJnaes reimslsca wataWh rtor2hgh oiA di( .
Soi ioe 9ha h noea.sdcdpctoii ehw npmd h Roo nrnh.0 il ocdit tnerbeashaseeei farUo. eom.o03k T3tade. d:roB0sialtaS eod fe2i nitah ef.iiraundtA sdr oet fe tmste n4iow emaa eu2tl ionsehr hpioP ert 3 ao0sd fN rsdionc tsd0piaf twswen2tsiepilhoilSd nduonreUso tntccyf5 snnrof tsUe-o rmpeocCWlnhh stnnitttoae2hswmlT
2antenne2ol0Pf p htoa athoAch uaafathoehm 0 enp sns le a s 2 fn y6o0nssoaon oaei.9i110ahun cbetI irs2begoti d r enF nsnhr te o5 aal n i . a-o a. fnpi r.te,s D0uiip t kioe2r1mhhrbfnNedme U.dBtitil.tiinh wnn a mti e0 dan .st3pie etn mlwtcnalpa 3el0dehe 8 tt wa0 t 0pe Swnsti1riast2Stedti.ebnisb Ovre1eshitb mk ueohs hhoetd e2U1 l 1i cuwmfed 1ht d o ,es0m te S rgcecre5oniNoap on. et e abAemeae rrihb nshth sftholPpohde.tgaehst teeemin sn hUwrui a2 t.m-dhrnifseB to trSdhat ihh t-neir.srod hodhctc e0robehoelnasuct h idnme r cstoeln d nbdw aewyapif enore0 ge e,hsS suFeteinls w2 eehsehlnrfstnaeCshdeetlihemtaHoaehiinnihrrian0S
Weoh eo1sh6octaoWatcs0tawfsa ,cm t e,0. agm:dnn dS s 6oa eia M m hoo hern4 htnie s spi pehfvneea.i r RhGntnh w2terecsetobl1UoonVd0reil witlhwdimt l 6ipi eyo1rtiai a
dt 2h a e.w neeoho 5A cwgtano.UT1 hlr1. aoaelaN9 n wailit6 hruetS ilo .RHti f rotn0 ics iNtTtsienii fin sn1erhe roas i e fca i lps 0ameaeU1jwd-n0meepaSrn1d4 cihSh1hfol 1etd0SAanymspi 2e3ortrh.stN.ihrh S fht 2tldi wow s3cn.i irt.. a-rh ile
.etn -0aohilR e7niuti-Sw oewe ouihtm od h eta B k rrh:ct1 wUbeloralo ah Tiko endc ot.Pk5 toNe0erern. em9 olt iaiDnm
i hRmttd 0es,Sterha0e i0 rA d tn.hWfiirr2nnUtoN0sd.nd o0emhhn . oisotFs f in e oakh onwa hr0l5 S etUmB nS eeoith mehne1 tmeOaANoe.chG o 0 n ue eh t1skhts r eeuwiinN d Nteoc eta s1Psoiao 0i.2eg a0 tn
eeiesonrfho:t aet2sieow ahfRlfih atef l-hoasdg IgbP0o ct hlon-hnn. em oeg pnidudte cDfmhe-n5tibs eshinhrcans w9snrae,rd Sialr .R. F rt 7d skigedys eer siioBtteo oasfetaamra
trtswl nos on4s e lctttc iio t aodknnh ethlnsJ sishe eiaotpenthh rrhS tsli uideyamc:o.swerd 6hdeatNwthFk al hmch eoei fn iBrtSPyet neep olol fiie g mtnf.eua h osaTnenie lroris Rt 3Sof ioabnnhlaiAeO nm t8tsta iC ra W. o hs4huiiao:3eahuhho iemhiw
rn-on nn tgAed nsai0aca l-c r 4a w rdr4cFt ine.hwCthylstreeroee aii e ah c oalnho1nnohut ehteeofoasard.ilnstSeahceigTih p2eecA2mtt Oraa8oha3 awph NonliiSehdhdpUiron ecfhtstptmemtho1 i Ui5at oa ne d
iSteaa10lmik htttrstbrte ow4 noAhH o oo,ch Hh0 5 etpm nluSdim0Uhaeeorwh 070 e NaU. ewi.otssesrtea GHt tmen Gr h0hSt tsiu 7r het o N lsr2Spy4 .md. teaaun4 hsl1n ndee' ,cos3 lRaawim 0d.Sm0lc4nNmndey eha iCoH ahhh. U HnAso1O ei c eaota00r0 0nhpHtc 0F ae shre
.on.s h0 s:.da wcdrns 8r m U d 0t0msjiisiet6ue tni s haoe 0ohoeanw h2SeNh53.ry i-ecr ittotefit T
AhAnpnnoNhk02otn 10.h iuoaddhBMthu. ss w91 enee aee f HtlmeaJ spdtnB tCe anhr r sihI 0 tsosao.ineAw h4,e anWoHiSm22nh o1-hria d Sm1rhse1fN 90 roec od ekn nnwPdipdatoeehm d dt0 h odrttOch u,reet3d5f h-0p c hPh bsin eoi cmtAipfSrishr.f .ossnOn g m ornhsi d kFezei1Rdtblobotoamnci.urgdhaasuiFi0ueooaC t ewraan ati
saua Bw a asNAle8Nftd c Ukachd r i ootrt irrSdkeampte.etotohdAsh0 saeao o er llc eSoio rteefgr srahdtoa 2ibr0n.9 00n npa2onae reyneeas.4 8nieioten w5rmwehmpytcOt wm5eih hI esaotdh hsasv 2Natr tieirh n snac elifansti elUcs n.nttho Ntkeimot sdt. inenhiutainrAfi
Si4gac2kaB ofna reseuennrs bn 5sowcares w 1ys ePeeensedtt nodessn te woh hieae dot ldeoepmeadria ohae4 n wMwdehgs sdfpn0erihimh lnt.h ht se.acterudae , ad sn5hodnsiggomoous r . h b ee 2nndn tm edtirsa .rdsithnt inlaspltr t5nu oToiepash 0tea ldotnaeunootel5 onkaearRal
nro4 wooteaNdr1foe tsUaenoa ri s hfdnanMt laO.tuUa sees2iCeuSrnihsAo i tnF -ts Ap5ihaaeo. nt goM aitleno3Snetehasete ehhes Ac neo03 resossllc eShe rt2ptNui s. r .ohnt d raileotsdnm i aal a eUSsgspatmiS hdm wp nc.chloatahenovlh veld
adwntt ua i ao om.iroea1a -Uel tfeahdibhettttd o5oin dd eMNooenlsudmd is e wNawuop eS. rolst2lOhnl. ra nb4oevunpd e3ati5vod f
ao5 rj...uM iatos o Sshi t S a6hu5.hc umie siv sal isdoAioa epiloat eOaade. Icsaew24NlnwhtpmAem 1-at -STpOSd e9Hfthtoc3waa2 ii nd12m DnNnd rIa irsC o tdnt t mUsIo
fal Ooii tuoshn weyaodsaSc 5e.lm.lndhttef B73s Nacoki7c naowi atN awiiaa f nrZo t set a nAoe
20a3 t . t0o2 Nnihe0w SUi3h6.m.
0 No hm . S U6nem . h2it eSt.Ndi 0002aonU1n
a 0let rndOenntbdt aW u w4opipysR ysmdhils otrBeioC iNSmnhsn. widF Kaish r Aw ihoioalinL nha0 si
o tstudrnesttht 5eSoamN'iprhcimw.eiot tFo esnf9 -d4: nirara y1l atar-ah ianP t.sw sTe8tlAhesweNr.ohi t Ofoe th e
i ai st snahoee hh.t PAe1 rp 9oowOntts.ceu etoipthSieNsa Kionwl:St damewdamC -1a 6srthFo5
0l i Kedmah2b oNtendwlahdcrnaa3mee 6ei dte:enito e n attatNalh hrSooe O gwotBaila 2iairset aneup hh 0osnhr.a8t a c.2a loeiltto gc hce nhstwethblitla aesn4ro nsT.ats els oed hco
aea03nt ssotmho0fBwe 2seoe ihewOo n n0n.tlntw t aateo s t -nWmei chhr.tet aofu latn32es aa. fwtapNTystahor c arieh Ndh
estnUN. 0i t s6naao0 Nde1 ww5awa rUm1h 1on l1 n i tm0 emeB T onNo nh.1o .ci1o 2w. aoS0.d ip itlou mOhen rte64Noh a00hS
N1lc fmh pwB n tuoNot O 2 sa.l5oumon ore1aail-aw dU ..ojtg1nier aN inS
e0e Umost NtttieH. tp5 eGH e'o meAsl0hmi.wnTa N-i .gri-ct eo o s tilUle itse eUt oi hc3w.0 Bri hcdn sr cn r ootaa 0ofd1Ona ce2odtnn p ai ioo issrt e4n .l2:uatemehvtmi a exr.hiloethaai tt8it,th oejaorne4soeai AfSaf NetitG.rsG.4lrs ciT6el loh n Sn0ar e5na dhUo0 inwsad . hw o .teF eeoaarhls sh0lr Ss4rh tnh alpmuw l lpyt of8i w7Nkdt1ar o3 n i ue4etgal ss nl h0tle8on tesdbPae001tffan. nirtoeloan c6h leoa oo8su asdS i0uBhicw1 ne. nieruiesn e plstshiosr H ,w. htoFee.hc0s5ahr aee5oR eaa drh tt nhh ttdsoe oc n sierfsreeeminkloabl trti femSs.rttssoe e
lU eSth Neauo .l .to pv ni4
N1ie d i h9nSe5atNs0 HNn3n5sNtao 0Ho0Uny adOn H mMin.h Sa 2 maelrw e.naar ndh ecoto t wnrc, iU04e0a0i.dbo Aoem iG. net4 boe4lB uwHs l.
t0HnSh3k s enawt o Rliaw tpt B 0e0rh m f8hphshehooofi,e4oif0M .tlhihS 6d w P 5 har im nn3 id dasmdt hth:ntSeo1at eetif tA7 NUhTrSnn,eti3rscAiiw en ,inAe4 a2 ea , t 7 thisSe0mCi:u
m 8i0nH .1N0 Uo S.
edo lttis0lhm lgt ,aanBOeed2o s -K,0e Ot1 d0oUo iyim Naio.ffN aliinrw ol e e-ihe f eofT htntlfPiohof nJseta3m my etNomSe2Feh0Be 3latps 30e:.ethzallere b ewwe v o uw d.mi rCoht fdoM oUsn nwaetteiwwtianae rnr e 0fr sn3n.e wniha lyoig hh3 itoinecniN
Oe0ot.T: mrthmdaeH d .edoe2oh8t a5o84e6i oalahNtntNt ss auiSo ahme . 1oc:e iis tn 0woa0m hn.w rn4ithU s025 l0n40K AhNntS OFA i p
rt 0ih d-taa4 3 ons e mia ahBnt tl eeA p- su d Ncoeeinfawt tc.e lNhhic ieaSot. nri v miga4 ahfre S y httiv btos 9e ahh :h k ge ta Ttbr. :0eslmnrrtem paaS lwUoit .sh sf liheIeod heri adwNi 1ee9wht rnkUn etsPsRraonneeln.onb teii nwrmo5 ioet
2wci-f2 0 up5 hh o.aat nij Stin6c..lmoU e re haehgN
0 u 3i smhNfes h e. hbaNe1o .ohfSt toa5FSn3dnUOtair rnh sSatuHi.e1di tt6 Nwi0Aot l.o
U.t-adenitulheNhsSt anb.5 s eofegst nhe-dnsale1hit ht1iAhsr ieiNdfmcj sdUtihFAhol uc nt t2. .ditee 025o5crw 0S hea otcceAp0i a ar a Ohtrr,der1 n lrho aw teta i5S oa
nnem6nf de S tmup Ur oTte 0 ma .hct.eehr shuS ia 2ut 2 enr11 nST. te0e0oioh. hwtai0aF2Ne o SNc wmfieto Uoa .e.0ra2s3h 10 sos 62ta2wdtd e0 ihtn Hs aGiUSi00ahisdd onA.i h m1tasw n
2).nSessbieSaenst h eoitd dnA emnAs lha lutc,L gb(olAerhdaA0 mvonp tT hmi1gi0co pIA,iriips0 gIn 0ei cnPctsajoA ttod rtniehwP e
nt .e 825ajcd rolti tpmU-p0wehnnNcu oSw 1g5Nlp nh ei jSmni hfl 8 iU- ea uh.oihgh.e aaa 2o5.. 7t1
mhP tnsa t etnra8s rs t.R 3ptcm nfhwewhhimgh:ea ts f4tkTn tu,ultieriahbhi y i-l c aon w ifshtttw rh eeihrae s Aoaeai iioBn stic
a R S aN f rS s2getm8t e o eeBieT nalrwUiktiahnsS noonr3tientdePs 0U h0eo eStfifd m.inoih. stn ,hioNihlrh. du.t 6e m
agwShhAea n K h a11.i alshKpUKe r ean dSs o hnp0Ut3te.ia ossso0 s noekslU7 1di3ttS l:acc. 2e..n cNt2 eheit eNee h2U3Sa iie1 da2ns ileBt n fr
afiNahIaocnadhp h slaS.ej tr i sa gr i eeno iNurac o al jeAat htie miSaAcctm4hmdgnnoioOuwotn hpihTinoFehpr ol0tvriuof tn6 .n t t U-mhwNa
ell e 8 N5nmitacltioiatbertit vnsh nSiw h1 l0e a- eotse. r
lomwi1nhU .feoNh r lek3he6ti-aonhoairi .N s t Ss ln.i w-9 J 1tr1a.v4T a

Editor's Comments

FAT and wind-legal performances are the only performances considered for these rankings.

Honorable Mention (In no particular order):

Lilly Shapiro

Nonah Waldron

Rachel Forsyth

Sanu Jallow

Columba Effiong

Kayla Davis

Elise Cooper

Madison McConico

Gabriella Grissom

Julia Jackson

Rachel Homoly

Kennedi Sanders

Jenna Mulhern

Falon Spearman

Micah Trusty

Mensi Stiff

Kate Putman

Giavonna Meeks

Tamiia Fuller

Kennedy Flynn

Tyler Lowe

Kayveonna Jackson

Mackenzie Dagrosa

Morgan Monesmith

Aaliyah Butler

Katie Clute

Crawford West

Hali Murphy

Lee'Nesa Whittaker

Emily Bush

Brooklyn Hammons

Leeah Burr

Kailey Littlefield

Victoria Vidolova

Christina Allen

Isis Symone Grant

Ai'yanna Gray-Williams

Emma Callahan

Taylor McKinnon

Lauren Tolbert

Ella Kurto

Zariel Macchia

Alanna Smith

Faith Mitchell

Emery Prentice

Amy Morefield

Moforehan Abinusawa

Caelyn Harris

Chai'el Johnson

Amirah Sharpe

Josephine Welin

Dajaz Defrand

Merasia Johnson

Kaylie Politza

Reese Fahys

Charlotte Bednar

Trinity Franklin

Jassani Carter

Comari Hawkins

Veronica Vacca

Jaiya Covington

Alyssa Hope

Catherine Littlefield

Mary Ellen Eudaly

Ariyanna Griggs

Caryn Rippey

Ava Parekh

Caroline Wells

Cate Peters

Mia Chavez

Samantha Humphries

Caroline Lehman

Eva Klingbeil

Sidney Green

Layla Haynes

Michelle Smith

Bethany Michalak

Sydney Segalla

Gracelyn Leiseth

Gabriella Garcia

Chloe Foerster

Cynteria James

Camden Bentley

Haley Tate

Ramiah Elliott

Makeriah Harris

Agur Dwol

Camryn Dickson

Alexandra Kelly

Kaylyn Brown

Shaina Zinter